Can you create a putt that does not hop, skip, or jump? Absolutely! All you need to do is have the perfect combination of putter loft, shaft lean, and stroke rise angle or use the Roll Board. Sound simple? Not so much. The Roll Board can instantly show you and your students what the ball is doing straight off the face, it is an engaging process.
In a single stroke the Roll Board will show the roll of the ball, where it was struck and when it began rolling on the surface. Make your adjustment of shaft lean or ball position, and your 2nd stroke will improve instantly. Don’t worry about your “combination”, the Roll Board will give you the answer.
Yes, it is that quick. Hit a few putts every time you practice to fine-tune your position, and hit end-over-end perfect putts. Better speed, better lines, and lower scores.
Reading the Roll Board:

Brush the fabric toward the line, set the ball on the line.

A solid line beginning at impact shows the ball is rolling properly. Speed and break is predictable.

Too much loft at impact causes the ball will fly several inches. This creates backspin and skid and unpredictable speed control.

Negative loft pushes the ball into the ground, then it hops in the air with topspin. Distance control is very inconsistent.